Margarita Herrera

Binomo Blog Columnist

Resides in

Boston, Massachusetts.


Margarita holds a master's degree in creative writing from the University of Massachusetts Boston and a bachelor's degree in finance from Suffolk University.


Margarita Herrera is a finance and technology writer with over 10 years of experience. She worked for The Boston Globe magazine but left her day job in 2017 to devote herself to business full-time. She has extensive experience writing articles on banking, investments, loans, insurance, and other financial topics.


Margarita is an expert in the topics of investment, technical analysis, trading strategies, and psychology.

Personal interests

Banking, Investments, Travel and Leisure, Cryptocurrencies, Metaverses, and NFTs.

Articles by Margarita Herrera

4 min
5 desvantagens de hibernar em seu primeiro ano de negociação
4 min
Como seguir seu plano de gerenciamento de riscos para obter lucratividade a longo prazo
6 min
Overtrading: riscos envolvidos e como evitá-los
4 min
4 situações na negociação em que as emoções são úteis
4 min
Como aplicar práticas de mindfulness na negociação
3 min
5 maiores razões pelas quais a maioria dos traders falha

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